November 20, 2015

About Us

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My name is Jared Magee and I started this blog as a way to share my experiences as a husband and father. Content is growing as this is a brand new venture for me, but I plan to write more about all things related to parenting and supporting my family: a father's perspective, at-your-own-risk advice, and preparing my family (and hopefully you) for the future.

Please check out and "like" our Facebook page here. This blog is a supplemental piece of Dads Magee. Facebook will be my central content hub for sharing posts and videos that we create, so like our page to see all future posts. You can also follow us on Pinterest and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

I've been married to the love of my life for over 2 years. She is gorgeous, kind-hearted, and always supportive. She puts me and our children first: her selflessness is like something I've never seen before. She's pretty out of my league. Asking her to marry me was the best decision ever. Getting married also made me a stepfather to 2 smart, funny, and beautiful little girls: I love them with all my being. My wife and I also have a sweet baby boy together. 

I recently turned 30. I've always wanted to start some side projects, but I've never had an idea that I was completely comfortable with. I am cautious when it comes to taking risks, and that is an obstacle that holds me back. But for some reason turning one year older helped me bite the bullet and put myself out there. I still struggle with my own insecurities, but this helps me battle them. I always wanted to start blogging. I enjoy editing and creating videos. And I love my family. Why not marry all of them together? My empire is born: Dads Magee.  

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